As usual, Natan has a ton of gorgeous in-progress pieces going on. One of the larger ones is a bright full backpiece on a very boisterous individual named Tony (if you’ve met him, you’ll know who we’re talking about by that short description alone). Since it is such a large and epic work, we’re not going to show you much of it right now, but this is what it was looking like at the end of his last session. He was lying down in this picture, so please forgive the odd angle:

Then there is Jon, who is in the beginning stages of a full sleeve that extends onto his chest. He and Natan came up with a very unique concept to include portraits of his wife and children, as well as a dragon. That might sound like an odd combination, and we don’t want to give too much away yet, but it’s all going to tie together beautifully. Here is the last portrait that Natan added to the piece:

You may remember this post featuring the first of Ted’s dia de los muertos girls. Natan added a second beauty to the piece earlier this week. This one is also going to be a coverup, as you can see in the photo.

Just a couple of reminders: Natan is currently booked through early January at this point, so if you want him to get started on your next tattoo, be sure to schedule a consult soon so we can get the ball rolling!
Secondly, we continue to have gift certificates available, and Christmas is only a couple of weeks away! If you need one mailed to you, we recommend giving us a call by early next week, to ensure that it gets to you in time for the holiday. 978.744.9393