Natan continues to have several works in progress. This is a positive thing. It means that many, many large pieces are happening, and multiple sessions means putting focus and care into the tattoo. Here are two recent first-session pieces.
This first one belongs to Paula. She’s known Natan for quite some time, so when she came in for her consult, she more or less told him what she wanted and where, with few guidelines, and left the rest up to him. On the day of her appointment, she was surprised that the drawing he had prepared was so large, and was a little nervous about having to sit for the entire outline! Most clients sit far better than they expect to, and Paula was no exception. By the end of the session, she earned a spot in our “champion” category. We can’t wait to see this piece progress, it’s already looking gorgeous!

Jessica is another lovely client that came to Natan with a handful of references and a whole lot of trust. She had been following his work online for years, and wasn’t at all hesitant about giving him creative license. She initially wanted a forearm piece that would also cover an existing small tattoo, but Natan’s ideas bloomed into something much bigger. Jessica came in, saw what he had prepared, and was excitedly on board. She walked out with a whole sleeve outlined, and all parties were thrilled with the results.

Natan currently has some openings for mid-May, so if anyone wants a later appointment bumped up, or wants to start something new, give us a call! 978.744.9393