Happy Solar Eclipse day! Here is a small selection of some sun and moon themed tattoos our artists have done. Enjoy the eclipse and safe viewing!
Tag Archives: custom tattoos
Holiday Hours

During the holiday season, our hours change a bit so our artists and front desk staff can
spend time with their friends and families.
We will be closing at 2pm on Sunday Dec. 20th,
and will be closed on Dec. 25th and Jan. 1st.
We still have a lot of availability for walk-ins and appointments with Steve and Jaesun the week before Christmas and the week between the holidays, so if you’ve been putting it off,
now’s the time to come in and get your new tattoo!!
While you’re at it, stop by and grab a Gift Certificate for your
favorite tattoo enthusiast and come in together!!
The best time of year to get tattooed!
Did you know that most professional tattoo artists would agree that we are entering the best time of the year to get tattooed? Â Fall and Winter tend to be the best seasons for tattoo collectors to get inked. Â While most people think about getting tattooed in the spring and summer, when they want to show off their artwork and when they are seeing inspiring pieces on others, these are generally not great times to actually get work done.

Here’s beautiful skull and rose sleeve done by Natan!
In the spring and summer, we all want to shed the layers we’re stuck wearing all winter and go play at the beach in minimal clothes.  Unfortunately the sun, sand and water can negatively impact your tattoos healing process.  Skin is fragile during healing, which can take weeks, and exposing it to the sun increases the likelihood of the color fading and your tattoo not healing properly.  We recommend keeping your tattoo covered until its fully healed, which can take up to a month for the initial healing process and up to three months for it to be considered completely healed (with a new layer of skin covering the tattoo).  Ocean, pool and pond water contain many kinds of bacteria and other micro-organisms that can damage your tattoo, causing staph and other infections, and the chemicals found in treated water like pools and Jacuzzis can negatively effect your healing process, so avoiding these situations is imperative to healing your tattoo, and who wants to stay out of the water for half the summer!?

This tropical looking japanese leg sleeve was done by Steve!
Because all these factors have to be taken into account in the spring and summer, it is often recommended using the fall and winter to add to your tattoo collection!  In the winter you don’t have to worry about sun exposure, and you get to keep your new piece hidden while it goes through the most awkward stages of the healing process, because you’re probably going to be covered with many layers of clothing anyway.  You also don’t have to worry about the not hitting the beach for weeks after you get tattooed, since you are unlikely to be heading there anyway (unless of course you’re a fan of those Polar Bear Dips in the ocean!).  Winter also tends to be a slower time of year for walk-ins, and because the majority of the population only thinks about getting tattooed in the summer, schedules tend to be lighter, which means you can probably book an appointment much quicker with an artist in the fall and winter.

Jae created this intricate celtic knotwork piece as part of his “Lantern” series!
A few things to keep in mind, when you get tattooed in the colder months-  Plan to wear looser layers for the first couple weeks after your tattoo.  Some collectors find that their tattoos get more irritated if they are wearing a number of tighter layers, this can lead to additional scabbing, so you want to make sure your tattoo has some room to breathe.  Also remember to plan your tattoos around your vacations- if you are heading to a tropical location, having a fresh tattoo will prevent you from enjoying all the benefits of paradise, the same way it would impact you during the summer.  Lastly, fall and winter tend to be times when our immune systems are taxed and people tend to get colds and the flu, so if you’re sick, you may want to reconsider getting work done.  If your immune system is stressed, your tattoo could take longer to heal and be more prone to infection during the process.  In addition to this, your tattoo artist probably doesn’t want to be exposed to your illness.

Cassy made this beautiful but simple piece!
So, if you’ve been considering starting on a new piece of ink, now’s the time to book your consult, come in and talk to your favorite artist and get on the schedule during the best time of year to get tattooed! Â See our artist’s portfolios to find the one who’ll be a match for you!
Natan in Stuff Magazine Boston
For the past four years, Boston’s Stuff Magazine has put out an annual body issue. This year, they did a feature on tattooed folk, and who better to speak to about body art than our very own Natan Alexander? As most Witch City Ink clients know, he is one of New England’s most prominent tattooers, currently owning two shops while also being the brains and the love behind the Boston Tattoo Convention. Oh, and did you know that he was one of the people who pushed to legalize tattooing in Massachusetts? This is a man who is passionate about what he does, and we’re proud to have him representing us in Stuff.
Pick up your copy now all over the Boston area, or check out Natan’s feature right here on the Stuff Mag website. You can see the Boston, Ink feature in it’s entirety online here.

Natan Still has Openings for the Philadelphia Tattoo Convention!
Natan still has openings at the Philadelphia Tattoo Arts Convention, taking place February 10th-12th at the Philadelphia Convention Center. If you’re interested in getting tattooed at the show, give us a call at 978.744.9393, or send an email over to witchcityink@gmail.com.
Below is some of Natan’s work, which has won multiple awards at various conventions!

And although New England has lucked out with a mild winter thus far, who doesn’t need a vacation by the time February rolls around? This is a really good excuse to get away and get tattooed. If you’ve never been, Philadelphia is a beautiful city, full of history, art, and good food. If you prefer not to drive, their public transit system is easy to figure out. So even if you choose not to spend all of your time at the convention, you’ll have plenty of things to do! We’d be more than happy to give you some recommendations.
Molly: A Pre-Vacation In-Progress
Our wonderful Molly is off on some big adventures right now. Over the weekend she got on a plane to Germany, where she will be doing a guest spot in Berlin! She’ll be back at Witch City Ink the week of the 15th, and in the meantime, consults can booked for her return if you call the shop at 978.744.9393.
Here are a couple of pieces that she started shortly before leaving:

Welcome, Sharonn!
We have been excited to share some news with you, and finally, the day has come! We are pleased to welcome Sharonn Bradbury to Witch City Ink! She is no stranger, having been a friend of Natan’s for some time, and we are thrilled to have her here in Salem with us.
We’ll have a bio up for her soon, but for now, we will tell you that she has been tattooing since 1994, and she is already making her space here cozy and beautiful. Here is a peek at the very beginning of it (you should see it now that it’s getting decorated!).
And of course, here are some examples of her work. You can find many more over on her portfolio page.

Sharonn officially starts tattooing here next week, and is at the shop Tuesday-Saturday (please note: her Saturdays are currently reserved for existing clients). Give us a call if you would like to set something up with her! 978.744.9393
Memorial Pieces from Jay & Molly
Memorial pieces are bittersweet things. They bring the recipient quite a bit of joy, and as heart-wrenching as it can be, it’s an honor for tattooers to give you such a permanent reminder of your loved one. Molly and Jay created these:


While we have you here, let’s do some scheduling notes, shall we? Jay’s last days here at Witch City Ink (at least until we steal him back someday) will be next Friday and Saturday, and then he will be back at our sister shop Lightwave full time again. And our lucky lady of the shop Molly will be going on vacation for eight days beginning January 1st. She is booked until then, but you can schedule time with her for when she returns!
We’ll also have a couple of new faces around here soon.. we can’t wait to formally share them with you!
New Works from Molly & Jay
Molly and Jay have had a lot of fun clients and tattoo ideas come their way lately. Let’s jump right in, shall we?
This is a nautical sleeve done by Molly, on a fellow named Joe. He gave Molly a lot of artistic freedom with this one, and everyone walked away happy. The movement! The colors! Any ocean lover would be envious of this.

Molly also finished up this large plumeria piece. It begins on the client’s shoulderblade, and extends down her side. That’s some nice black and grey right there.

Jay has been busy as well, and continues to divide his time between Witch City Ink (where he works Friday and Saturday), and over at Lightwave (Monday through Thursday). This first piece – featuring dragonflies, flowers, and stars – was done at Lightwave.

Then there’s this owl! The skull makes it a little bit creepy, and the flower a little bit pretty, and we love that contrast.

Another Christmas reminder: The holiday is two weeks from today, so if you need to get a Witch City Ink gift certificate (they’re also good over at our sister shop Lightwave), we recommend doing so soon! Especially if you need us to mail it out to you. Mail runs a bit slower this time of year, so call us asap! 978.744.9393
Natan: Progressions
As usual, Natan has a ton of gorgeous in-progress pieces going on. One of the larger ones is a bright full backpiece on a very boisterous individual named Tony (if you’ve met him, you’ll know who we’re talking about by that short description alone). Since it is such a large and epic work, we’re not going to show you much of it right now, but this is what it was looking like at the end of his last session. He was lying down in this picture, so please forgive the odd angle:

Then there is Jon, who is in the beginning stages of a full sleeve that extends onto his chest. He and Natan came up with a very unique concept to include portraits of his wife and children, as well as a dragon. That might sound like an odd combination, and we don’t want to give too much away yet, but it’s all going to tie together beautifully. Here is the last portrait that Natan added to the piece:

You may remember this post featuring the first of Ted’s dia de los muertos girls. Natan added a second beauty to the piece earlier this week. This one is also going to be a coverup, as you can see in the photo.

Just a couple of reminders: Natan is currently booked through early January at this point, so if you want him to get started on your next tattoo, be sure to schedule a consult soon so we can get the ball rolling!
Secondly, we continue to have gift certificates available, and Christmas is only a couple of weeks away! If you need one mailed to you, we recommend giving us a call by early next week, to ensure that it gets to you in time for the holiday. 978.744.9393