We usually post Japanese-style dragons here, but we’ve had a lot of medieval-style ones these days as well. Interestingly, dragons tend to be more symbolically positive in Asian cultures than elsewhere. For example, typically in Asian cultures, dragons represent nature, wisdom, religion, and the universe. But in many western stories and myths, how often do we see dragons depicted as evil and dangerous creatures, that are eventually slain by a hero? Even in the Slavic myth, the dragon is so vile that Mother Earth wishes not to have it within her womb, and thus the dragon is forced to remain above ground for all eternity.
We personally think that dragons are beautiful and strong creatures. And just plain cool.

This next photo is actually a rather small section of a client’s back that Sharonn is working on. As you can see, she is currently working on the Holy Grail, and in the foreground we have a gentleman from the Knights Templar. Templar Knights were among the most skilled fighting units of the Crusades. Non-combatant members of the order managed a large economic infrastructure throughout Christendom, innovating financial techniques that were an early form of banking, and building fortifications across Europe and the holy land.

And that concludes today’s edition of the more you know.
Sharonn does have time in her schedule next week for consults and possibly smaller tattoos (as well as continuations on existing pieces). If you’d like to book time with her, give us a call here at the shop, and we’ll talk about scheduling! 978.744.9393