

Illuminated Glass and Mixed Media on Canvas, 2013

In his Critique of Pure Reason, Kant distinguished between “Phenomena” objects as interpreted by human sensibility and understanding and “noumena” (objects as things-in-themselves, which humans cannot directly experience). The noumenal realm was equated with the world of ideas known to the philosophical mind, in contrast to the phenomenal realm, which was equated with the world of sensory reality. The Latin word “numina” also suggests that which is perceptible by the mind but not by the senses.

It is in this “Numinus” realm that we interact with the gods, angels and demons.

NUMINA presents the angels of the Shehamphorash, the mystical 72 letter name of god. It is said that simply by gazing on these names one may receive the blessing of their angelic radiance. Beneath these sigils is the flower of life shown in its geometric relation to the holy Kabbalah. Together these form a sacred alignment describing the lightening path from Kether to Malkuth, Spirit into Matter.

names of god