Ahh, little is known about our resident tattooer, PJ. He specializes in traditional tattoos. He makes a pretty awesome ice cream cake. He maintains a constant demeanor that is equal parts sweet and surly. But other than that, there’s a reason we refer to him as an international man of mystery.
We recently sent a brave young explorer to PJ’s lair in an attempt to gather information based on observations of the surroundings. His things were not to be touched of course, as we know that PJ is a southerner and we don’t know what sort of Louisiana voodoo he may have put in place for intruders. Our explorer was able to snap these pictures of artifacts hanging from the walls.

That’s all for now. Stay tuned for Part Two of our PJ investigation in the coming days. That is, unless he finds us out and puts a halt to the operation. In the meantime, you can help us distract him by booking consult and tattooing time with him. Give us a call at 978.744.9393, or stop on by. He is in the shop Thursday-Monday. You can also view his portfolio right here, but oh, there is much more to see.